Sunday, December 7, 2008

January = new vacation spots

This semester at school is coming to an end and with finals approaching I could not be more stressed out and I need a vacation! Now, I realize that I just got back from Tennessee but that wasn’t good enough. Of course I was with my family but I was constantly on the go so I never had a moment to rest or relax so I need a resting, relaxing vacation. With this being said I have decided to vacation in Spokane, Washington sometime after the beginning of the year. I’m thinking January? Is that a good month for traveling? I hate the cold weather but I like to see snow & since it snows in Washington … it’s perfect. But why did I pick Washington? Because my best friend, Nikki lives there!! I haven’t seen Nikki in over a year and the text message, e-mail, phone, and Myspace conversations are getting old. I want to hang out with her, meet her friends and just do “snow things”. I am taking a semester off from school because I am done with classes and just waiting to be accepted into my program so this is the perfect chance to go somewhere.

I will admit though, I am a little nervous. My first flight was to Hawaii but my parents went but this time I’ll be flying alone so you can see where my concerns are at. Hmm … I think I can make friends safely! I’m a likeable person!! (ha,ha,ha) For the past few days Mandi (thanks) & I have been searching for cheap airline tickets online and we have found that the “cheap” sites, aren’t so cheap most of the time. I have found some pretty good deals though and I’ve realized that it makes a difference on the time of the month and the day of the week that you leave. These facts are interesting to me. Where can all these people be going on certain times of the month and on Mondays? I think I have my dates decided on: January 20-28 so now all I need are tickets & a little time off from work. Oh how I love treating myself to special things. Christmas bonus money here I come!.

Now, for anyone who has ever been around me when it’s vacation time or if you personally know how I pack then this is posing another dilemma. I overpack. Well, over packing is probably an UNDER-statement for me. I just never can decide on what the best thing for me to wear will be on any given day. If I am going somewhere the temperature is largely different from my small town in Georgia then you can bet I’m packing all my clothes because you can add or remove any amount of clothes to better suit yourself for the temperature. Packing … is just so time consuming for me! Jeans, long sleeve shirts, sweaters … & jackets! I’ll need a big marshmallow looking jacket … any ideas? Oh, and I can’t forget boogins’, glooves and scarves. It’s not even time to go yet and I’m already packing in my mind.

Okay, that’s enough rambling. If anyone knows where I can get cheap tickets & if you can tell me what I can pack for this plane ride adventure then please … LET ME KNOW!!!

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